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SG TRAVEL stands for " Ssocial and Gwell-groomed TRAVEL ". We specialize in holiday trips for seniors with assistance and care needs.

For all our trips, we offer a tailor-made travel program that takes into account the individual needs of our guests who need help and care.

During these trips, the participants are accompanied by nursing staff and receive optimal medical and nursing care. For us, picking you up from your door is just as natural as providing barrier-free accommodation and the necessary aids at the travel destination.

As part of the replacement care or the relief amount, you can claim grants from the care insurance fund for care and support. You can also use these subsidies of a maximum of €3,918 per year for our trips and have them counted towards the care share.

Our trips have an individual and family character. In the travel year 2022 we again received a lot of praise from our travel participants. Of course, we also have this claim for the year 2023 and hope that we have met your taste with our travel destinations.

Through our constant on-site service on all our trips, we guarantee the highest possible quality.
With motivation and enthusiasm, our entire team contributes to making your holiday a special and unforgettable experience.

We hope you enjoy reading our website and look forward to hearing from you.

Your SG TRAVEL team

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